GPX Viewer is a GPX routes viewer for iOS and Android. You can use it to see GPX files downloadaed from an URL or using another app installed on the device (email, online hard disk, etc). You can chose to veiew your location, thus youContinue Reading
We developed an app for Android available on Google Play that geolocates all skate parks in Catalonia. Skateparks presents several features that allow us to locate the skate parks closest to where we are located or in a specific townContinue Reading
Jamón Experience is a modern space of over 2,200 m2 where you can discover everything you want to know about ham. One hour experience in which you will learn in an interactive and entertaining way the process of developing, origins andContinue Reading
The fort stands on the southern side of the entrance to Maó harbour, in the cove Cala de Sant Esteve, and was built by the British between 1720 and 1726. It owes its name to Sir John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, the most prominentContinue Reading
Ara Tecnologia has developed the multimedia guides for the exhibition “Water: the right to a decent life”. The Roca Barcelona Gallery and the We Are Water Foundation present Water, the right to a dignified life. A We AreContinue Reading
Technical study on the characteristics of a LED screen that should be located in Barcelona Football Club Stadium access 14. Comparative analysis of the different offers that Barcelona Football Club has received from several suppliersContinue Reading